Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 a day

Front Squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2

Oh man, I made 2 attempts at 115# single rep. I failed bad on the first. I felt as if I was going to low and I wasn't staying active at the bottom of my squat. So I had Sean cue me as when to shoot out out of the bottom for my 2nd attempt. Coming up felt like slow motion. I think I even closed my eyes. Happy to make that attempt. I need to be more diligent about my Wendler 5-3-1; Diso said that a 135-140# front squat would be exceptional for my size. Plus it would probably guarantee me a bodyweight Clean. 

Flight Simulator was a joke. I'm going through that period again where I've lost my double unders. This only reinforces to me that I have to literally double under everyday or I'll forget how to do them. I hadn't picked up my rope in a couple of weeks, and this is what I get. My cadence was all fucked up and I couldn't get the rope under my feet. Gonna be diligent about making double unders part of my daily warm up. 

My third WOD was pulled from the Sectionals floater WODs: 3 Squat Cleans at 70-65%1RM, EMOTM until failure or 20 minutes(that stands for every minute on the minute)

On rep 12, my 3rd rep was a power clean; my legs would not drop down into a squat. Reps 17-20 I only did 2 reps vs 3. 
This really got my blood pumping. When tired, my form goes to shit. I can feel myself not using the entire jump, therefore causing me to catch the bar very forward. At the end I was drenched in sweat. 70#s is 85% of my 1RM of 85#. 

Friday, I felt really lethargic and overall sick. My sinus/chest infection really had me laying down all day. 

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