Monday, December 12, 2011

Tiempo medio

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 400 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 15 reps
30 15 Pull-ups

Looking at this picture, I am very hard pressed to believe that I beat Jess or Maru in this WOD. Quite possibly they did 3 rounds of vs my 5 rounds of half the work... 

At the end of round 2 I hit a wall, I think I went to hard to fast. I felt pukie during my second set of Pull ups. For the rest of the WOD I had a pounding headache around concentrated around my ears. I am proud that I did all 75 KB Swings unbroken. Yay. My pull ups felt good. My runs were shit. I couldn't keep my torso/midline tight/hollow. It was breaking, because, I think, of the KB swings tiring my abs... I pretty much running hunched over. It was sad. And not efficient. 

Glad it's over. Glad it's Back Squats tomorrow. I <3 back squats. Plus I'd like to test if I'm back to my strength level from before my back injury in the summer. I think my PR of 130 is almost a year old. From when I did CF Total. The prescription is 3x5 but I think I'm going to do 1x7. 

Sleepy time. 

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