Sunday, December 11, 2011


5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
225lb Front Squats
Strict Parallette Handstand Pushups, ears below hands

Rest 5 minutes

Row 2k for time

Rest 5 minutes

20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Toes to Bar, touch feet outside both hands, alternate sides

Score is Total time.

So our clock is broken and the first heat started at the 79the minute. The clock turn over at 100, so my total time is 39:39. 

I had done 400m walking lunge the evening before, and I was surprised to find that my legs were not sore and were firing very well during the front squat. When I had started the Wendler 5-3-1 strength program about 2 months ago, I failed at 90# front squat, so I thought 75#s would be heavy. But I really think that 5-3-1 has made me stronger. 75# felt completely doable. 

The last time I rowed 2K it took me 10:47. This time I rowed 10:46. Hahaha. 

The burpees were gross. 

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