Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Testing my inner strength

Five rounds for time:

7 Front squat (185/135#)

10 Burpee pull-ups

What a day. So much on my mind, and in heart, trying to listen to my gut, still not trusting my intuition.... With all this, I really wanted to unload all this "heaviness" at the box. Just lay it all out. 

With this in mind, I attacked my 1st Strength WOD with lofty goals. My 1RM max, set in November is 105#s. In the past 3 months I've attempted to set a new 1RM of 110# twice about a month ago, failing both times!!!
I remembered being discouraged. I just kept thinking, "What's 5#s more over my current PR of 105#?"

Fast forward to today, and I thought, I'm going to set a new PR. Of course, I actually thought, I'd be happy if I did just one rep, but successfully completing a 3 reps, that just sent me over the moon!!! :)) It was difficult, but doable. I'm sooo happy. Setting a new PR is so satisfying.  

Following the CFSB (that's Strength Bias) template, I proceeded to prepare for a high intensity WOD, taking today's WOD and modifying it so that it would fall under 10 mins and keep the intensity high. I dropped down to 65#s and lessened the reps to 5 & 7 vs. 7 & 10, respectively. After lifting those heavy loads, this WOD was definitely brutal. I just kept thinking, I just want this to be over, I just want this to be over!

End of round 2, I felt hopeless. My legs were so fatigued at that point. My burpee pull ups felt so slow. When I got to the burpees in round 4, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and put into high gear and went all out. 

I finished my last set of front squats and Diso called "9 mins in!" I knew I wanted to be under 10 mins so I pushed through the last 7 burpees and called time at 9:29. I collapsed and writhed on the floor, feeling my stomach convulsing. My head was reeling... Burpees do that to me. 

This was exactly what I needed. 

4 hours later and my legs are just killed. 

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