Monday, December 06, 2010


21-15-9 rep rounds of:

115 pound Power snatch (I did 40#s)

Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (I used 8#s)

Knees to elbows

What a great, intense day for me to choose to come back into the box. 2 and half weeks away. It was good. I awoke parched and had a throbbing headache. Too much Crown from the night before. Steven and I finally made it to Harvelles. Only took us a month. Lol. I drank glass after glass of water but couldn't shake the hangover. I stayed committed to going to the noon class. I ate a boiled egg and an apple. That's all I could stomach. 

Warming up it felt strangely foreign. The noon class was packed today. At least 15, def. more. I choose to scale the workout to 21-15-9. Practiced my snatch and I felt wobbly. By the end of the first round, I finally felt warm and the movement was seamless. After doing 21 wall balls, my lungs decided to contract and want to expel phlegm and mucus. It was awesome. I felt like I had to clear my throat for the rest of the WOD. The wall ball and K2E were easy part of the WOD. The snatch just completely gassed me. The set of 15 were just tough. 

After I called time, I sat in one place for a good 10 mins. My post workout high was immense. I missed that feeling. I wanted it to last forever. At that point my hangover was just a memory. 

Tomorrow: DEADLIFTS! I love!!!!

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