Thursday, August 26, 2010

This feels familiar

Version A:

21-15-9 reps


Handstand Push-ups

(Kipping for all, 21 set strict attempt is okay)

My time: 13:26

My shoulder is not acting right again. No pain, but lots of tightness and limited range of motion. More clicking. Now, I did think that maybe the past 3 WODs being heavily shoulder reliant that it may have stressed it out too much; especially since I hadn't used my left shoulder for the past 2 weeks until this past Tuesday. My right shoulder feel great, no soreness, no clicking. I'm hoping that the tightness and soreness in my left is due to the fact that it is "shocked" from being worked after being on a break, not a re-injure.

I plan to take the rest day tomorrow. I should get worked out enough this weekend.   

Updated 082710 12:10PM: I forgot to mention that there was an kick up to a handstand drill yesterday during the warm up. I don't like being upside down. It took me about 4 months to feel comfortable to do a GHD sit up. I still hate doing the scaled HSPU on the box. Skin the cats make my tummy hurt. Well, after Zeb gave me thorough step by step on how to get inverted in a handstand, I gingerly put my hands on the ground and kicked up. I made it a point to keep my shoulders active and my arms locked out, and lo n behold, I was in a hand stand against the wall!!! Woo hoo! I did about 10 more kicks onto the wall. A couple times my shoulders went slack and I can feel the added pressure of my weight in  the entire area. Maybe this drill is contributing to my wonky shoulder today :( But still totally amped that I conquered yet another "I can't..." This Crossfit shit really works ;)

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