Monday, February 15, 2010

WOD "Chipper"/ MOD

2009 Crossfit Games- Women's "CHIPPER" Heat

For time:

15 Squat clean (50#)

30 Toes to bar

30 Box jump, 24 inch box

15 Muscle-ups

30 dumbbell Push press / push jerk (12#)

30 Double-unders or 120 Singles

15 Thrusters (45#)

30 Pull-ups or Jumping Pull up

30 Burpees

300 feet Walking lunge with 10lb plate held overhead

My time: 45:16

This was bananas!!!! Everything was cool until the Burpees. The burpees kicked my ass. I felt sick, pukie. Zu was there to push me on. Then the walking lunge portion was very very very tough. My legs were dead, my arms were jello. I can't believe I kept going strong for 45 minutes, like, WTF. I felt like death several times.

Also, I am getting better on the rings; I can actually support myself in a basic hang, with stiff arms, tight core. I'm on my way to mastering the rings. 

I just found out that the CHIPPER was the WOD at the Crossfit Games 2009 for the ladies. Watch the video above. 

I woke up hung over this morning. For lunch I had:
Chicken Parm, no cheese, with garlic-sauteed spinach.
Served with a basic salad.

I ate it all.

Snack: 1 paige tangerine, and 1 oz trail mix

Dinner: Chipotle bowl with carnitas and chicken with rice and beans with gaucamole. I was beat down form work out that I only had about 10 bites of mostly meat and gauc. 

I'm soooooo sleepy. 

Good night!

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