Friday, December 11, 2009

WOD was the repeat of Day 1 workout

200m run
3 rounds
Ring Rows
200m Run

My time: 7:05

I'm sooooooo proud of me!!! I'm just 13 seconds shy of cutting my time in HALF. I did this WOD 4 weeks ago and I clocked in at 13:53 and I even think I skipped the last round of ring rows cause I was sooooo out of shape and I just didn't have the energy to do it. I feel so accomplished and happy.

Big ups to Lolo!

To celebrate me, the 2 other trainees and our trainer, David, pounded beers as we cooled down.

Now onto the big boy Crossfit classes. I'm a big scared.

I can't wait until I've built up strenght, stamina and skill level on all the exercises.

Think you can beat my time?

Come to Paradiso Crossfit Marina Del Rey

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